Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day...Writing?


There's nothing quite so productivity-sapping as a holiday. Sleeping in, eating a butter-loaded waffle soaked in syrup (nap time, yeah?); that book and those fuzzy blankets are just calling your name...Especially those shea-butter infused socks and the copy of The Hobbit that I'm borrowing (mine is in the attic back home somewhere...) which is still lying open to the place I left it at last night. The Eagles have just rescued Bilbo and the Dwarves and Gandalf from the wolves...things are about to get very interesting very quickly!

So what does one do? Put the socks on, give in to temptation? I mean, really, because tomorrow morning it's back to the grind, the whirlwind, and all the things you could do (or not do) today will be put on the backburner or forgotten for the next several months. I could get on with the other list of to-do's that have filled up the hours of the day, of course. For one, I have Part II in an oil painting triptych that I could finish today, if I sit down and do it...I've only been working on this painting since the beginning of the year. I also have some concept sketches to do for my next series of paintings...and then the book, of course. I could finish The Hobbit with some concentration.

Ah, but there's writing to do...hmmm....

Yes, I'm writing the blog post on how I'm not writing. Is there something slightly askew with that?

Still...if it's on the schedule to write, no matter what day it is (even if it's Christmas!) write something. It doesn't have to be great. It doesn't even have to be good. But write nonetheless. Put the time into it, and it will turn into something great later on, or you'll at least have gotten your quota of bad writing out of the way for the month. Or for 24-hours, if you're like me.

All I need now is a cup of tea...oh dear...this isn't looking good...

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