Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In Need of News

When you write a blog or keep up with current events, you're constantly in need of some platform that provides you with those current events. But if you have a specific bent-- say, writing or publishing-- it gets harder to find a news platform that really caters to your needs.

In the past I've used Twitter to fine new stories or funny tales about the industry, but when the account got hacked (twice) I decided the hassle was a bit too much for my tastes, and deleted the account.

Publishers Weekly is also a good source of information, but tends to the dry and more corporate world of publishing.

A new platform I've been introduced to is Galley Cat, "The First Word on the Book Publishing Industry." I've only received one weekly email from them as of yet, but it's already been chock-full of amusing anecdotes and news including an April Fool's Day prank between Lemony Snickett and Malcolm Gladwell and the report on the rise of audio book sales to $1.6 billion.

Not too shabby.

There's also an argument about the Oxford Comma in video form. The results may be inconclusive, as I stand staunchly for the Oxford Comma due to its resourcefulness, ability to specify, and just plain rightness.

So there.

Galley Cat has tabs for all sorts of news including Publishing, Deals, Bookselling, Writer Resources, Reviews, and even Jobs.

Ok, I'm impressed.

I think I'm going to go mash some tabs and buttons, see what I can find. I'll resurface, er...eventually.

Maudlin Out.

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