Thursday, September 12, 2013

Two Weddings and a Con


You know that whole, getting back on the horse and writing after the 4 month unintentional hiatus thing I talked about, oh, two months ago?

Well, it's been six months. Still haven't written anything.

 The face of guilt. I have it.

I have a good excuse though (I feel like someone's staring at the back of my neck when I mention excuses. Maybe it's my conscience)-- this is the month of Two Weddings and a Con.

Maybe I could write a book about it. Hm.

It sounds catchy, no? But really, it's two weddings, two conventions, and two rather important birthdays.

Then bam, out of nowhere I stumble across a new song that lasts only about 2 minutes. And I have an idea for a scene in the book I'm working on right now.

A scene that, in all of however many pages it will take (no more than five or so, I suppose) could launch into its own spin-off book.


At the moment, I have a twist-fairytale to finish writing and a final novel in a trilogy to start and complete. I have enough on my plate at the moment, but it's there in my mind, lurking as a possibility.

All my writer companions-in-arms: do you ever feel like writers have to be slightly off in the head? We have multiple peoples living in our minds and we delve into alternate possibilities and worlds in an attempt to make them as real as possible.

No, I don't need a straight jacket.

So the writing begins again! Prepare yourselves, mortal readers, for Ming the Merciless will come down upon you with magnificent myths.

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