Thursday, May 16, 2013

Unintentional Hiatus

My dearest readers, ever faithful to my fluctuating whims of topic and length of verbosity...standing by my side in the faces of literary reviews and wild rants on the various rises and falls in eBook news and self-publishing thoughts...

It has truly killed me to be away from my blog for so long. Missed last week and late this week. This whole moving thing is harder than it looks. Though I am proud to say that as of yesterday everything sans groceries is in its place, if not necessarily cleaned up and put away. Thank goodness for that.
But next week I'll be back on schedule! I will regale you about the joys of type-coding and copy-editing, of manuscripts and deadlines, of missing commas and the comma fairy who comes down in the night and sprinkles the commas of 9,000 breaths onto your manuscript while you're not looking. I'll whisk you off your feet with my confectionery descriptions of file names and organization and code-speak, and I'll regale you with the charms and delights of The Chicago Manual of Style edition 15.

In and among that, I may even perform an interpretive dance.

In other news, Tamora Pierce is coming out with a new book in the fall, Lois McMaster Bujold just came out with a new book this last fall, and Diana Gabaldon promises a new book...perhaps? I'm still waiting on the next bestsellers by my other favorite authors Robin McKinley and Patricia McKillip.

While I'm at it and contemplating my new life without homework, a life when I can actually read for fun, anyone have any book suggestions?

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