Meditate, then, on this quote:
"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them."~Jack Brown

I know. That'd be awesome.
The article states that through a study at Harvard, author Shawn Achor
"found that only 45 percent of workers surveyed were happy at their jobs. From his experience designing a course on happiness, working with Fortune 500 companies across 42 countries, and restarting the world's largest banks after the economic collapse, Achor concludes, 'Most people believe that success leads to happiness, but that formula is backwards. The truth is that happiness is the precursor to success. When you raise your happiness, you raise your success rates and increase productivity.'"The point is, your success and your happiness do not need to be linked. You don't need to be making six figures in order to be happy. You could be dirt poor-- as many of us I know are --and still be blissfully happy. It's about thankfulness, respect, peace, faith, and never taking for granted the blessings that we have, and there are many of them, many that we don't think about on a daily basis. Being happy can lead to success, instead-- happiness is more pleasant to be around. Happiness can be translated into confidence. Happiness can lead to gratefulness which can lead to contentment.
And contentment can lead to Doritos.
Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get...