Friday, October 12, 2012

Next time! on Maudlin's Shoes

I have come upon a conundrum.

When writing a blog, writers come to the point where they have to decide how often they are going to write. And it's not as easy of an answer as it may seem.

For one, how much time can you put in? You want each post to be good, meaningful, and interesting. Probably some of you reading this who aren't bloggers are checking off each of those chategories and wondering why I'm writing this in the first place. But it does bear some thinking on. You want your posts to come out regularly so that a potential readership isn't constantly waiting around for a new post, only to be surprised and miss one when it does come out, or simply forget about you as too much trouble to keep up with.

At the same time you don't want to overload your readers with so many posts that they just don't keep up out of surrender. They only have so much time to dedicate to your writing, too. And you don't want your blog to consume everything else you do, unless you're earning enough from it to make a living and enjoy it that much.

If that's the case, well, good for you. Keep on doing that. Maybe let me know what it is you've got hidden up your sleeve.

As for me, I've been doing bi-weekly posts until now. I have recently decided to shorten it to once a week. Why? Well, my 'writing-days' which are thrice-weekly have been consumed on those two blog-days by the blog, leaving me only one day a week to work on my book. And I write so slowly that that really isn't enough time to get things done. My writing has been a crawl through the semester so that I don't think I've added more than thirty pages since August.

So I'm slowing my blog posts to once a week. That still maintains the regularity that any readers (and frankly I) need, while giving me that extra day to work on my own writing. Frankly, seeing as how that is what I want to spend my life doing, I think it's a better priority.

But I don't regret my bi-weekly posts. Sometimes in order to get into the habit of a thing you have to do it more frequently than you would if it were already a habit. I will have no trouble at all writing once a week after being used to writing twice a week, whereas before I started that strict regimen I was lucky if I wrote once every three months. The desired affect was required.

Fridays will be my new-release day. Keep your eyes open for the latest post. Halloween is just around the corner, and you know you want to hear me talk about vampires and pumpkins and how it must, must, have something to do with the publishing industry. Oh dear. Now that I've raised that challenge, it must be met. Hmmm. This will be thought upon.

Next time! on Maudlin's Shoes, and all that.

In fact, that's a good title.


  1. Anonymous10/18/2012

    Once a week is good. Not hard to keep up with, but long enough for the reader to eagerly anticipate the next installment.
